Is there anything that is surprising in the University of Phoenix Student Code of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity?
The University of Phoenix is actually owned by a for-profit company called The Apollo Group, which last year reported net income of $277 million against total revenue of $1.7 billion. [ Total enrolled student body: 107,497 students on physical campuses and 132,709 through their online program.
One very interesting change that the University of Phoenix has made to its course programs is that it defined a school week as Wednesday to the following Thursday, rather than Sunday to Saturday as every other school does. But that's changing, according to the following memo.Over 100,000 students now
have their week change, have new homework schedules, new requirements for integrating school and work, and more. All at the stroke of a single email message.
I have to say that I believe the University of Phoenix Online does a pretty darn good job with its online courseware delivery and education. They have a rigorous faculty training program and unlike other universities that I'm involved with, they have staff audit your classes and evaluate your teaching and interaction style on a recurring basis. They also have put quite a lot of effort into normalizing courses so that students get the same material, in the same order, regardless of instructor or when the class is delivered.
But I'm on the inside. From the outside things look different and the University of Phoenix does have somewhat of a reputation as a 'degree mill' without the academic credibility of other, more established institutions. I believe that this reputation is unfair, but I'm just a single voice out here in the wilderness. ]
Expert answered|
selymi|Points 6773|
Asked 11/20/2011 12:38:16 PM
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