What would the environmental impact be if China did not have the one child policy . a policy? Relate this to sustainability.
Currently china has around 1.3bn people - around 1/5 of all people - perhaps 1/6 depending what world pop' figure you believe.
Without the policy the population of china would be just over 2.5bn (assuming rates of growth just before the policy [ continued and didn't end up causing huge social unrest)
The benefits would be that the country would have a huge defence against attack - no body would attack a country with 1/4 of the world population. Huge economic growth in later years with so many workers.
However, downfalls would be things like education - how do you educate all those people
young people - well you cant - so many simply wouldn't be educated - which would deny the very structure of communism. Finding the jobs - there simply wouldn't be enough work for all those people - no matter what rate the economy grew at - even with current population china struggles to keep them all working - in the last year the Chinese government has been worried about the risk of social unrest as the global recession kicks in and people loose their jobs - even in china.
Housing - china really struggles now with housing - in many areas your talking 5 people to a small house. In poorer areas many more.
Communism - with 2.5bn people - there is bound to be a group of people in the country who disagree with the governments policies and start causing upset - it may be difficult to control large scale upheaval. Like i said - even now the Chinese government have their concerns - worries largely founded by the Tibetan upset a few months back.
Environmentally - 2.5bn people would need power - even more coal fired power stations? I think so. Food - people need this - so farming on an even more intensive scale than now and more wide spread would have to take place - this could lead to large water pollution from fertiliser and pesticides - killing huge swaths on wildlife. Pollution from factories would be even greater as populations needed work and exports increased, plus internal demand for products. ]
Asked 11/12/2011 10:09:01 PM
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