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What's income inequality?
Asked 7/31/2022 12:50:37 AM
Updated 7/31/2022 1:14:24 AM
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User: What's income inequality?

Weegy: Income inequality refers to an extreme concentration of wealth or income in the hands of a small percentage of a population.
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User: Angela is on her phone all the time she is constantly on a social media she even walks with her phone in front of her and sometimes runs In 2 things a suggestion for Angela

Asked 7/31/2022 12:50:37 AM
Updated 7/31/2022 1:14:24 AM
1 Answer/Comment
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Angela is on her phone all the time. She is constantly on social media. She even walks with her phone in front of her and sometimes runs into things. A suggestion for Angela would be to take a break to use technology for a little while.
Added 7/31/2022 1:14:24 AM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
What are the following is an important stated benefit to having Internet access
Weegy: The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. User: Which of the following is the best example of how to technology and the Internet make work easier Weegy: The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. User: Prevents many people from having access to technology and Internet Weegy: Income inequality prevents many people from having access to technology and the internet. User: You get rejected from my job because they didn't like language you often use in your social media post this is an example of (More)
Not Answered
Updated 7/31/2022 12:44:48 AM
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You get rejected from a job because they didn't like language you often used in your social media posts. This is an example of geography preventing Internet access.
Added 7/31/2022 12:44:48 AM
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A Trojan-horse is a file that
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Updated 7/31/2022 1:06:20 AM
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A Trojan Horse is a type of malware that downloads onto a computer disguised as a legitimate program.

Added 7/31/2022 1:05:58 AM
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Trojan horse, is a type of malware that conceals its true content to fool a user into thinking it's a harmless file.

Added 7/31/2022 1:06:20 AM
_______ involves adjusting prices according to someone s online buying habits.
Weegy: Dynamic pricing involves adjusting prices according to someone s online buying habits. User: You have just sold your old phone on craigslist where should you tell the buyer to meet your exchange the phone for payment (More)
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Updated 7/31/2022 1:31:58 AM
1 Answer/Comment
You just sold your old phone on craigslist. You should tell the buyer to meet you 'at a carrier store' to exchange for the phone for payment

Added 7/31/2022 1:31:58 AM
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Is a legal safeguard for protecting someone's intelligible property books movies newspapers articles Web pages art working music Are all examples of things that can be protected with
Weegy: Copyright is a legal safeguard for protecting someone's intellectual property. Books, movies, newspaper articles, web pages, artwork, and music. User: You find a picture of a famous department store online that would be great to include in a project of your What should you do before you copy the picture Weegy: You find a picture of a famous department store online that would be great to include in a project of yours. [ Before you copy the picture you should check whether it is copyright and you need to seek permission to use it. ] User: What would be the best thing to do with your mobile device at night to get more sleep Weegy: The best thing to do with your mobile device at night to get more sleep is: Choose nighttime activities that promote sleep, [ such as practicing meditation or relaxation techniques. ] User: Rachel is searching for jeans online she wants to make sure that the she's protected her private information when she purchased items online how can rich Rachel find out if her private information will be safe on particular website (More)
Not Answered
Updated 7/31/2022 1:46:38 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Raquel is searching for jeans online. She wants to make sure that she protects her private information when she purchases items online. Raquel can find out if her private information will be safe on a particular website by: Reading the website’s privacy policy.
Added 7/31/2022 1:46:38 AM
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Claire works behind a computer all day she gets lots of headaches and her eyes have been hurt and hurt lately her doctor giannossed his doctor dionyster with digital eye strain what should Claire do at work to relieve her eye pain
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Updated 7/11/2023 12:52:29 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Clara works behind a computer all day. She gets a lot of headaches and her eyes have been hurting her lately. Her doctor diagnosed her with digital eye strain. Clara should do the following at work to relieve her eye pain: Taking breaks between work, adjusting the lighting of computer, choosing the rightwear.
Added 7/11/2023 12:52:29 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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