Weegy: A library's online catalog is a computerized index of books found within the library.
User: you've located three books on a topic you're research for an essay. The first thing you should do in determining if any of these books will be useful is
Weegy: You've located three books on a topic you're researching for an essay. [ The first thing you should do in determining if any of these books will be useful is: examine the index of each book.
User: if your goal is to obtain information about laws governing special education policies in elementary schools, which of these searches would return the best results?
Weegy: If your goal is to obtain information about laws governing special education policies in elementary schools, "Special education laws elementary schools" would return the best results.
User: the credibility of a work deals mainly with
Weegy: The credibility of a work deals mainly with the author.
User: at the library, the quickest way to locate varied, reliable information for your research paper is to
Weegy: At the library, the quickest way to locate varied, reliable information for your research paper is to ask the reference librarian.
User: which of the following skills is most important in learning how to write a research paper
Weegy: Knowing how to plan before you write is most important in learning how to write a research paper.
User: once you acquire these two basic skills, you'll be able to transform a vague idea in your mind into a coherent piece of writing. What are these two basic ideas?
Weegy: Once you acquire these two basic skills, you'll be able to transform a vague idea in your mind into a coherent piece of writing. These two basic skills are: Doing research and organizing your ideas.
User: you're least likely to feel that an internet source is reliable if the information is posted
Weegy: You're least likely to feel that an Internet source is reliable if the information is posted without a specific ...