Weegy: So, our question is, [ should the Army and Marines be forced to change policies that prohibit women from taking combat jobs in their infantry and artillery units? The question was brought up ad nauseam after Gulf War I (since we'd entered a period of peace and prosperity and had time to address nonessential concerns), and if we're lucky enough to have bought ourselves more peace and prosperity I think we're gonna hear it again.
But I sure hope not. The only people who truly want to see women in combat are some TV producers who think it's a "sexy" issue and approximately 500 cranks assembled on college campuses and in NGOs around the Beltway.
The national argument might be worth having if there was some vast, seething body of women longing to personally stick it to the enemy, but Debra, we both know there is not. I have friends and acquaintances up and down the rank structure and from every service—tough, bright, feisty gals all—and I have never met, and they have never met, a woman who burns to join the ground-pounders. (Several large-scale surveys back me up on this.)
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The words of conscripting women into military service, including combat duty, is a complex and debated topic. Advocates argue for gender equality and women's rights, while others emphasize physical differences and operational challenges. Regarding pregnancy and caretakers, exceptions might be warranted to ensure maternal and child well-being, but careful considerations are necessary to strike a balance between individual circumstances and national defense needs.
Added 7/29/2023 12:54:00 AM
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