Question and answer
What type of evolution is when an organism changes significantly from the parent generation to the offspring and then stabilizes
Asked 27 days ago|1/10/2025 9:13:44 PM
Updated 27 days ago|1/10/2025 10:57:04 PM
3 Answers/Comments
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Original conversation
User: What type of evolution is when an organism changes significantly from the parent generation to the offspring and then stabilizes

Weegy: An organism changes significantly from the parent generation to the offspring generation and then stabilizes. This is Punctuated equilibrium.
Score 1

User: What must be included in the name of new discovered species

Weegy: A new species is discovered and scientists are trying to classify it one of the key features found is that the species is entirely dependent on other organisms for its food necessary to sustain life. This is a heterotrophic species.

Score .8857

User: How to name a new species and is it written

Weegy: Origin of Species was written by Charles Darwin.
Score .8893

User: You’re working in the rainforest and discover a new species. What much be included in the name and how is it written

Weegy: You're working in the rainforest and discover a new species. You get to name the species. The name must include the genus and species of the new organism. It must be written in italics with the species name lowercase.

Score .8515

User: How is malaria transmitted from mosquitoes to humans

Weegy: people get malaria by being bitten by an infective female Anopheles mosquito. Only Anopheles mosquitoes can transmit malaria and they must have been infected through a previous blood meal taken from an infected person.
Score 1

User: Plasmodium protist

Weegy: Green algae is the most widely known form of marine plankton and is thought to have given rise to plants.
|Score .8936|batotoy|Points 1465|

User: Amoeba algae

Weegy: A euglena is similar to the amoeba because: It can form a cyst to protect itself.

Score .9045

User: Chlorphyte protist

Asked 27 days ago|1/10/2025 9:13:44 PM
Updated 27 days ago|1/10/2025 10:57:04 PM
3 Answers/Comments
New answers
You're working in the rainforest and discover a new species. You get to name the species. The name must include the genus and species of the new organism. It must be written in italics with the species name lowercase.
Added 27 days ago|1/10/2025 10:55:26 PM
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Plasmodium is a genus of parasitic protists that cause malaria in humans and other animals.
Added 27 days ago|1/10/2025 10:56:29 PM
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Amoeba is an aquatic, single-cell (unicellular) organism with membrane-bound (eukaryotic) organelles that has no definite shape. It is capable of movement. When seen under a microscope, the cell looks like a tiny blob of colorless jelly with a dark speck inside it.
Added 27 days ago|1/10/2025 10:57:04 PM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
Without which are important processes that cycle nutrients, organisms wouldn't survive.
Weegy: Without biogeochemical cycles, which are important processes that cycle nutrients, organisms wouldn't survive. (More)
Updated 27 days ago|1/10/2025 5:04:23 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Mendelssohn law of segregations states that
Weegy: Mendel's law of segregation states that offspring receive one allele for each trait from each parent, and the allele from each parent is distributed randomly. (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 27 days ago|1/10/2025 7:48:40 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Horizontal gene transfer can occur through several mechanisms. Which is this relevant to humans
Weegy: Bacteria can exchange genes for resistance to antibiotics in this way. -is why horizontal gene transfer is relevant to humans. (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 27 days ago|1/10/2025 8:09:30 PM
0 Answers/Comments
Horizontal gene transfer can occur through several mechanisms
Weegy: Bacteria can exchange genes for resistance to antibiotics in this way. -is why horizontal gene transfer is relevant to humans. User: Plants can reproduce Weegy: Plants can reproduce sexually or asexually, depending on the plant. User: Eons are the broadest category of geological time, Weegy: Eons are the broadest category of geologic time, and we live in the Phanerozoic eon. The Phanerozoic eons is further divided into eras. Mass extinction events separate the three eras from each other of the Phanerozoic eon. [ ] User: A farmer chooses to breed cows (More)
Not Answered
Updated 27 days ago|1/10/2025 11:14:31 PM
1 Answer/Comment
A farmer chooses to breed the cows that produce the most milk rather than the cows that produce less milk. This is an example of artificial selection.

Added 27 days ago|1/10/2025 11:14:31 PM
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Difference between evolution and natural selection
Weegy: The best explanation of the difference between evolution and natural selection is: Evolution is the idea that species change over time, and natural selection is a mechanism by which evolution takes place. (More)
Updated 24 days ago|1/14/2025 2:35:49 AM
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