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why do you need personal time
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Asked 1/13/2010 10:36:41 AM
Updated 2/28/2023 12:11:58 AM
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User: why do you need personal time

Weegy: to make plans for the future
Expert answered|emosara|Points 463|

User: why do you need personal time

Question|Rated bad
Asked 1/13/2010 10:36:41 AM
Updated 2/28/2023 12:11:58 AM
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You do need personal time because to think about your feelings, ideas, hopes, problems and all of your experiences.
Added 2/28/2023 12:11:58 AM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
Why might it be important to keep an archive all of your communication in your email account?
Weegy: lthough you may not consider your communications "top secret," you probably ..... It is important to note that in ... suspend their account if they do not comply; email claiming to be from a person .... [ Keep all applications, including your operating system, patched ... - ] User: Why might it be important to keep an archive all of your communication in your email account? (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 7/30/2023 12:40:02 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Keeping an email archive is important for reference, legal compliance, record-keeping, and easy access to important information.
Added 7/30/2023 12:40:02 AM
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Why might it be important to keep an archive all of your communication in your email account?
Weegy: In my opinion, if you need it for legal purposes you should not, not, NOT be using Hotmail. Or any free email service, for that matter. I have nothing against them, per se, they're fine services when used properly. [ But if you saw the constant stream of questions I get relating to lost accounts, lost email and worse, and the inconsistent or total lack of customer support at times, you'd understand why I take such a hard line on free email accounts. I'll answer your question, but I'll also recommend some alternatives. • First, I have to say this: I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. In fact, one of my pieces of advice below will be to confer with a lawyer for the requirements you might be facing in your situation and jurisdiction. To the best of my knowledge most email services do not keep a log of incoming email. They deliver it, and then it's up to you to do with it what you will. The amount of data to keep a log of everything would be enormous. However, whether they do or do not, is also not something I would count on at all. My current understanding is that Windows Live Hotmail will keep your mail: ] User: Why might it be important to keep an archive all of your communication in your email account? (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 7/29/2023 2:34:36 PM
1 Answer/Comment
Keeping an email archive is important for reference, legal compliance, record-keeping, and easy access to important information.
Added 7/29/2023 2:34:36 PM
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You are writing a research paper for your English class. How do you avoid unintentional plagiarism?
Weegy: you can always cite the source. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 34 days ago|1/13/2025 9:52:59 AM
1 Answer/Comment
To avoid unintentional plagiarism, always cite sources correctly, paraphrase in your own words, use quotation marks for direct quotes, keep organized notes, and use plagiarism detection tools to ensure proper attribution.
Added 34 days ago|1/13/2025 9:52:59 AM
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why do you need personal time in your daily routine? Why or why not?
Weegy: everyone needs personal time User: why is personal time good Weegy: to think about ur self and ur future (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 4/1/2023 6:05:18 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Personal time is good because it helps you develop a better understanding of who you are.
Added 4/1/2023 6:05:18 AM
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why is personal time good
Weegy: everyone needs personal time User: why do you need personal time Weegy: This give you a chance to think, and relieve stress. Basically just do things for you. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 243 days ago|6/18/2024 4:46:35 AM
1 Answer/Comment
Having personal or "me" time in your daily routine is essential to recharge, reduce stress, and prioritize self-care, allowing you to return to your responsibilities with increased energy, focus, and a more positive outlook.
Added 243 days ago|6/18/2024 4:46:35 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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