can you summarize the buy versus lease scenario
There are two ways to answer this sticky lease versus buy question: financially and emotionally. Some people look at the numbers and take the cheaper option. Other people are willing to pay more for something that better suits their lifestyle. [ When it comes right down to it, some people feel that driving a new car is important, and they're willing to shoulder the extra expense to do so.
Clearly, owning and operating a vehicle can be expensive. But there are ways to save money — lots of money. In fact, when you look at the average household budget, the biggest opportunity for savings is
found in auto-related costs rather than food, clothing or utility bills. For example, everyone knows the monthly payments are higher to buy or lease a new car. But many people overlook the fact that new cars also mean higher insurance and DMV fees. Over time these extra expenses add up. ]
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Asked 11/11/2011 1:33:39 PM
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