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jack, president of a new sales company and father of 6 children, had a heart attack at the young age of 46. What of the following may have contributed to his early development of heart disease? A. excess stress B. excess sleep C. excess exercise D. all of the above
Jack, president of a new sales company and father of 6 children, had a heart attack at the young age of 46. Excess stress may have contributed to his early development of heart disease.
Asked 9/9/2010 3:39:13 PM
Updated 1/5/2017 1:07:29 AM
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Jack, president of a new sales company and father of 6 children, had a heart attack at the young age of 46. Excess stress may have contributed to his early development of heart disease.

Added 1/5/2017 1:07:29 AM
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Confirmed by selymi [1/5/2017 3:05:25 AM]

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Questions asked by the same visitor
Which one of the following can NOT be considered part of the legacy of Sumerian culture, as the “Babylonian Creation Myth suggests?” a. the brewing of beer, creating our word for alcohol b. mathematics on base 60 c. the worship of one god d. building stepped pyramids
Weegy: D User: 3. Thus, for centuries, Mesopotamian politics were influenced by a. a stable natural environment. b. geographical barriers against invasion. c. women in significant bureaucratic posts. d. the dominance of local rulers. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 2/18/2023 12:39:45 AM
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Thus, for centuries, Mesopotamian politics were influenced by the dominance of local rulers.
Added 2/18/2023 12:39:45 AM
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Which book of the Bible best teaches that there will never be an explanation of human suffering, especially undeserved suffering, that human intelligence can comprehend? a) Judges b) Job c) Genesis d) Exodus e) Deuteronomy
Weegy: The book Genesis best teaches that there will never be an explanation of human suffering, especially undeserved suffering, that human intelligence can comprehend. User: The Babylonian invasion of Judah resulted in the a. defeat of the Babylonians. b. beginning of Jewish exiles. c. opportunity for Hellenistic expansion. d. development of synagogues. Weegy: The Babylonian invasion of Judah resulted in the beginning of Jewish exiles. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 12/21/2022 2:23:45 PM
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To replenish superficial and deep energy stores,____ wouldn't be a particularly effective method. A. increasing alcohol intake to promote relaxation. B. aerobic exercise. C. broadening one's social support system. D. getting more sleep and rest
Weegy: A. increasing alcohol intake to promote relaxation. User: Before taking her biology final, Jessie felt abdominal pain and nausea that weren't caused by a gastrointestinal virus. How could stress play a role in contributing to this? A. by decreasing blood flow to the digestive organs B. by increasing heart rate C. by increasing blood flow to the digestive organs D. by increasing the production of insulin Weegy: C. by increasing blood flow to the digestive organs User: Prolonged stress A. has increased b cell function B. reduces the effectiveness of the immune response. C. affects only a small number of body systems D. has increased adaptive energy stores (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 8/23/2020 6:04:18 PM
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Research on stress and body function have found that prolonged stress: reduces the effectiveness of the immune response.
Added 8/23/2020 6:04:18 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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