Weegy: The following tips can help you to communicate clearly and concisely with co-workers and FEMA customers EXCEPT: Speaking loudly and extremely [ slowly.
User: if you make a cultural communication misstep, the best thing to do is
Weegy: If you make a cultural communication misstep, the best thing to do is to: Apologize and express a willingness to learn.
User: communities may not take needed actions unless disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation information is communicated
Weegy: Communities may not take needed actions unless disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation information is communicated. TRUE.
User: true or false: during deployment of the disaster workforce, the federal coordination officer has the sole responsibility for fostering a positive and inclusive culture
Weegy: During deployment of the disaster workforce, the Federal Coordinating Officer has the sole responsibility for fostering a positive and inclusive culture. TRUE.
User: diversity is
Weegy: Diversity
: the condition of having or being composed of differing elements.
User: diversity also applies to the different generations in the workplace. Generations may have different?
Weegy: Diversity also applies to the different generations in the workplace. Generations may have different values, ideas and attitudes toward authority.
User: true or false: during deployment of the disaster workforce, the federal coordinating officer has the sole responsibility for fostering a positive and inclusive culture
Weegy: During deployment of the disaster workforce, the Federal Coordinating Officer has the sole responsibility for fostering a positive and inclusive culture. TRUE.
User: all of the following are goals of fema's diversity action plan except for
Weegy: All of the following are goals of FEMA's Diversity Action Plan EXCEPT FOR Build a work environment that minimizes differences in perspectives and outlooks.
User: true or ...