Weegy: Tobacco allowed the English colony of Virginia to become profitable and survive.
User: Why did the Middle colonies have such a diverse European population?
A. The king set limits on how many people from each country could settle in the Middle colonies.
B. The Middle colonies were the closest to Europe of the American colonies.
C. The Middle colonies had the richest silver mines, which attracted people from all over Europe.
D. The Middle colonies had a policy of religious toleration.
Weegy: The Middle colonies had such a diverse European population because the Middle colonies had a policy of religious toleration.
User: Why did the colonists oppose the taxes imposed after the French and Indian War?
A. They claimed that since the colonies had no representation in Parliament, Parliament had no right to tax them.
B. The colonists were afraid to anger the Spanish empire by paying British taxes.
C. The colonists simply didn't want to pay their fair share of taxes.
D. They claimed that all taxation is theft since individual citizens weren't given a choice in whether to pay.
(More) 3
They claimed that since the colonies had no representation in Parliament, Parliament had no right to tax them, is why the colonists opposed the taxes imposed after the French and Indian War.
Added 7/16/2021 2:55:11 AM
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