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User: Denial a step in the arc of survival is all of the following except
Asked 6 days ago|1/11/2025 2:29:28 AM
Updated 6 days ago|1/11/2025 5:13:56 AM
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User: User: Denial a step in the arc of survival is all of the following except

Weegy: Denial, a step in the arc of survival, is all of the following except: something that involves a non-disaster explanation that makes sense.
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User: During and after accounting for all those who were believed to be in the building what are the next two task you should focus on?

Asked 6 days ago|1/11/2025 2:29:28 AM
Updated 6 days ago|1/11/2025 5:13:56 AM
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During and after accounting for all those who were believed to be in the building, Check in with your supervisor and depart the scene to head home - are the next two tasks you should focus on.

Added 6 days ago|1/11/2025 3:30:37 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Cliff: [1/11/2025 5:13:52 AM]

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Questions asked by the same visitor
While all municipalities have access to 911 phone lines,
Weegy: While all municipalities have access to 9-1-1 phone lines, all municipalities also have text to 9-1-1. User: When you are running you should remember too: Weegy: When you are running, you should remember or be aware of your surroundings and be mindful to not overly expose yourself. User: After you have refamiliarized yourself with your building you should begin to plan your escape routes to prepare for on active shooter situation which of the following should you not do when planning your escape routes Weegy: After you have refamiliarized yourself with your building, you should begin to plan your escape routes to prepare for an active shooter situation. The following should you not do when planning your escape routes is that: consider different places you could hide along each escape route. User: The most secure places to hide have the following on common except (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6 days ago|1/11/2025 5:12:24 AM
1 Answer/Comment
The most secure places to hide have the following in common except is secured behind a door that opens outwards towards an attacker.
Added 6 days ago|1/11/2025 3:55:33 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Cliff: [1/11/2025 5:12:22 AM]
To treat a wound to this part of the body apply gentle pressure to the wound with a folded up cloth do. It place anything into the wound. After 1-2 minutes of gentle pressure tape the cloth in place to keep the wound covered once a dressing has been applied do not remove it
Weegy: To treat a wound to the part of the body, apply gentle pressure to the wound with a folded cloth. User: To ensure you are able to move through the arc of survival more quickly during an emergency you should: (More)
Not Answered
Updated 6 days ago|1/11/2025 5:12:46 AM
1 Answer/Comment
To ensure you are able to move through the arc of survival more quickly during an emergency, you should: Study the arc of survival.

Added 6 days ago|1/11/2025 3:49:06 AM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
Confirmed by Cliff: [1/11/2025 5:12:45 AM]
to treat a wound to thto treat a wound to this part of the body pack the open wound with cloth and apply pressure over the wound with your hands. if the wound continues to bleed apply a tourniquetis part of the body pack the open wound with cloth and apply pressure over the wound with your hands. if the wound continues to bleed apply a tourniquet
Weegy: To treat a wound to this part of the body, pack the open wound with cloth and apply pressure over the wound with your hands. If the wound continues to bleed, apply a tourniquet. Leg or arm (More)
Expert Answered
Asked 6 days ago|1/11/2025 2:27:11 AM
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