Weegy: The appeal of the West was that many Americans wanted land.
User: What happened to the mandan village after the lewis and clark expedition
Weegy: They prospered due to trade with the Americans at the fort-happened to the Mandan village after the Lewis and Clark expedition.
User: What was the spoils system?
Weegy: Jackson rewarded people with government appointments was the spoils system.
User: The treaty of _ ended the war of 1812
Weegy: The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812.
User: Which region was more industrial in the mid 1800’s
Weegy: The Northeast was more industrial in the mid-1800s.
User: Why did great britain seize american ships
Weegy: Great Britain seized American ships because they claimed the ships were carrying French goods.
User: What was the primary goal of the lewis and clark expedition
Weegy: The primay goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to find a route to the Pacific Ocean.
User: What was an outcome of the war of 1812
Weegy: An outcome of the War of 1812 was: similar land boundaries.
User: How did andrew jackson become president
Weegy: Andrew Jackson became president: He gained the support of the common people.