At the age of 7 can a kenyan acquire a citizen id.
Added 17 days ago|1/30/2025 8:46:06 AM
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Added 17 days ago|1/30/2025 8:46:19 AM
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cruz30 [1/30/2025 8:46:25 AM], Undeleted by
cruz30 [1/30/2025 8:46:30 AM], Deleted by
cruz30 [1/30/2025 8:47:31 AM]
It is a requirement by the law of Kenya that a Kenyan citizen who attains the age of eighteen must have an Identity card facilitated through the Department of National Registration Bureau.
Added 17 days ago|1/30/2025 8:47:09 AM
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Added 17 days ago|1/30/2025 8:47:10 AM
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cruz30 [1/30/2025 8:47:17 AM]