Question and answer
Taking someone else’s work or words and claiming them as your own
Asked 8/2/2022 8:38:35 PM
Updated 8/2/2022 9:52:37 PM
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User: Taking someone else’s work or words and claiming them as your own

Weegy: Taking someone else's work or words and claiming them as your own Breaks copyright [ law. ]
Score 1

User: Emails asking for your Social Security number banking information or credit card numbers are

Weegy: Emails asking for your Social Security number, banking information, or credit card numbers are called Phishing.
Score 1

User: Z you made a YouTube video you think a famous song by popular artist but YouTube asks you to remove the video which law did you break

Weegy: You made a YouTube video using a famous song by a popular artist, but YouTube asks you to remove the video. You break Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Score .9681

User: There are ___ Different types of creative Commons license

Weegy: There are six different types of Creative Commons license.
Score 1

User: Which of the following statements is true phishing emails?

Weegy: Phishing email is the act of sending an email to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft.
|Score 1|genie23|Points 155|

User: The ___ Act protects consumers from unfair billing prcies

Asked 8/2/2022 8:38:35 PM
Updated 8/2/2022 9:52:37 PM
1 Answer/Comment
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The Fair Credit Billing Act protects consumers from unfair billing practices.
Added 8/2/2022 9:52:37 PM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
When Congress doesn't approve a president's choice for a federal court, this is an example of _______. A. judicial review B. checks and balances C. filibuster D. veto
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Updated 8/2/2022 11:14:01 PM
2 Answers/Comments
When Congress doesn't approve a president's choice for a federal court, this is an example of checks and balance.

Added 8/2/2022 9:24:03 PM
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Confirmed by anthony23 [8/2/2022 11:14:03 PM]
When Congress doesn't approve a president's choice for a federal court, this is an example of: checks and balances.
Added 8/2/2022 9:24:12 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
___ Are used to track your shopping habits
Weegy: Algorithms are used to track your shopping habits. User: Examples of unethical Internet use include Weegy: Unethical internet use includes media piracy, ransomware attacks, identity theft, financial theft, and intellectual property theft. User: Seeing everyone “perfect “ life on social media all the time can leave you feeling Weegy: Seeing everyone's perfect life on social media all the time can leave you feeling sad and frustrated. User: Downloading media such as music sitcom or movie from the Internet and we believe is Weegy: Downloading media such as music, sitcoms, or movies from the Internet illegally is breaking copyright. User: Taking someone else’s work forwards and claiming them as your own (More)
Not Answered
Updated 8/2/2022 9:53:19 PM
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Taking someone else's work or words and claiming them as your own is Plagiarism.
Added 8/2/2022 9:53:19 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
The ___ Act protects consumers from unfair billing practices
Weegy: The Fair Credit Billing Act" protects consumers from unfair billing practices. User: If your 16 Personalities Test results indicate that you're open-minded, curious, and able to understand something immediately without any direct evidence reasoning, which trait did you most likely score high in? (More)
Not Answered
Updated 8/2/2022 9:51:23 PM
1 Answer/Comment
If your personality test results indicate that you re open minded and curious , you most likely scored high in OPENNESS trait.
Added 8/2/2022 9:51:23 PM
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If your Personalities Test results indicate that you're open-minded, curious, and able to understand something immediately without any direct evidence reasoning, which trait did you most likely score high in?
Weegy: If your personality test results indicate that you're open-minded and curious, you most likely scored high in: Intuition. (More)
Updated 12 days ago|1/26/2025 7:48:08 AM
0 Answers/Comments
Who originally characterised introversion extroversion as aspects of the libido?
Weegy: Carl Jung originally characterized introversion and extroversion as aspects of human personality as part of a collective unconscious. [ Jung regarded extroversion and introversion as the major orientations of personality. ] User: What is emotional intelligence Weegy: Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. User: What does it mean if you score 50% in the energy category of a personality test (More)
Not Answered
Updated 8/2/2022 10:21:21 PM
1 Answer/Comment
If you have a score of 50% in any category up to 16 personalities test, These percentages show how strongly your test responses support a particular personality trait when compared with its opposite trait.
Added 8/2/2022 10:21:21 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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