Question and answer
Find the adverbs It was a Saturday afternoon and I was enjoying a relaxing day at home when my mobile phone rang. I answered the phone and the person I was speaking to said he wanted to take me through security as he was calling from the bank. So, I gave him certain letters of my password which he asked for etc. He then asked if I was using my Credit Card. I was surprised and said "no" and went on to inform him I was actually at home and had my Credit Card with me. He said my Card had been used some minutes ago for a transaction of over $400 - my eyes got wider. I panicked a bit, then asked
him where, as I had the card. He said it was being used in a Post Office. In a nutshell, he asked me to destroy my card, return it to the bank and they would issue another one. I'm sure something must have triggered their computer system because I never spend that amount of money on my card. Apparently, minutes before that a transaction of about $4 was made.
Question|Rated good
Asked 11/22/2010 8:08:07 PM
Updated 2/9/2021 7:26:41 PM
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Original conversation
User: Find the adverbs It was a Saturday afternoon and I was enjoying a relaxing day at home when my mobile phone rang. I answered the phone and the person I was speaking to said he wanted to take me through security as he was calling from the bank. So, I gave him certain letters of my password which he asked for etc. He then asked if I was using my Credit Card. I was surprised and said "no" and went on to inform him I was actually at home and had my Credit Card with me. He said my Card had been used some minutes ago for a transaction of over $400 - my eyes got wider. I panicked a bit, then asked him where, as I had the card. He said it was being used in a Post Office. In a nutshell, he asked me to destroy my card, return it to the bank and they would issue another one. I'm sure something must have triggered their computer system because I never spend that amount of money on my card. Apparently, minutes before that a transaction of about $4 was made.

Weegy: never, etc. , actually, Apparently. Click on the "Good" button for more
Expert answered|Loula|Points 848|

User: What are the adjectives

Question|Rated good
Asked 11/22/2010 8:08:07 PM
Updated 2/9/2021 7:26:41 PM
1 Answer/Comment
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Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns.

Added 2/9/2021 7:26:41 PM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
How would using pronouns help my writing in the future
Weegy: pronouns take the place of nouns User: How would it improves my writing Weegy: as a writer you need to speak User: How would using pronouns improve my writing in the future Weegy: you need to write clearly so by knowing what a pronoun is and by useing that in your writeing you in turn are speaking to your audince and your writeing become's more clearer (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 7/23/2023 12:42:58 AM
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Using pronouns help writing in the future as it can connect one sentence to the next to guide the reader through a paragraph.
Added 7/23/2023 12:42:58 AM
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Which of the following contains a grammatical error? 1. We need to consider what we are going to eat for dinner? 2. Could you hand me the large, metal hammer with the red handle? 3. When was the last time our team came together to assess the state of the project? 4. What is the address for the company's corporate headquarters?
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Updated 1/26/2014 1:18:55 PM
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1. We need to consider what we are going to eat for dinner? This sentence contains a grammatical error.
Added 1/26/2014 1:18:55 PM
This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
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