Weegy: The penalties for driving under the influence or more severe if the minor is in the vehicle. TRUE.
User: True or false: the state of Florida will revoke your license if you are found guilty of committing a felony for drug possession
Weegy: The state of Florida will revoke your license if you are found guilty of committing a felony for drug possession. TRUE.
User: True or false: the state of Florida cancer spend your license if you make a fraudulent driver license application
Weegy: The state of Florida can suspend your license if you make a fraudulent driver license application. TRUE.
User: If you have an intermediate license and or 16 years old, you may drive on a company in between the hours of what
Weegy: If you have an intermediate license and are 16 years old, you may drive unaccompanied in between the hours of 6:00 am to 11:00 pm.