Weegy: the active ingredient in marijuana is THC.
User: Any condition that interferes with your judgment, or reasoning abilities
Weegy: Impairment can be defined as any condition that interferes with your judgment or reasoning abilities.
User: You should check your mirrors
Weegy: you should check your mirrors once every 5-8 seconds.
User: Bicycle must obey the same rules and regulations as motorist and can’t be cited for violations
Weegy: Bicyclists must obey the same rules and regulations as motorists, and can be cited for violations. TRUE.
User: Gateway drugs are not as serious as other drugs
Weegy: Gateway drugs are not that serious as other drugs. FALSE.
User: The third that alcohol affects is
Weegy: The third thing alcohol affects is: VISION.
User: You must be under the influence of alcohol or an illegal drug to be charged with a DUI
Weegy: You must be under the influence of alcohol or an illegal drug to be charged with a DUI. FALSE.
User: More than of fatalities on the road are related to alcohol
Weegy: More than 31% of fatalities on the road are related to alcohol.
User: Kourtnie may suspend the driving privilege of a minor for