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how did Malcolm X's attitudes differ from other civil rights leaders?
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Asked 6/15/2010 9:24:43 PM
Updated 325 days ago|3/26/2024 10:21:32 AM
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User: how did Malcolm X's attitudes differ from other civil rights leaders?

Weegy: in the beginning he was anti-white, but when he became Muslim and went for pilgrimage to Makka, and he saw Muslims from all walks of life and all races there who worship the One God, he became accepting and even embracing of all races.
Expert answered|mrencyclopedia|Points 5329|

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Asked 6/15/2010 9:24:43 PM
Updated 325 days ago|3/26/2024 10:21:32 AM
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Malcolm X's attitudes differed from other civil rights leaders due to his advocacy for self-defense and separatism as opposed to nonviolent resistance and integration.

Added 325 days ago|3/26/2024 10:21:29 AM
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Questions asked by the same visitor
what social values and patterns of behavior did suburban life encourage?hoe did teenagers rebel against those values and behaviors?
Weegy: go to: (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 6/4/2023 12:10:52 AM
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Suburban life encouraged social values such as conformity, family-oriented lifestyles, materialism, and a focus on social stability. Teenagers rebelled against these values and behaviors through countercultural movements, questioning traditional norms, experimenting with alternative lifestyles, expressing individuality, and challenging authority figures.
Added 6/4/2023 12:10:52 AM
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why did the feared postwar economic depression never materialize?
Weegy: There was a huge pool of wealth in the hands of private citizens who had been earning good money during the war and had not been able to spend it, [ because of rationing and the general non-manufacture of luxury goods (such as cars and washing machines). Instead of falling into a depression, the public began to spend some of that wealth, attend school, and buy homes at an unimaginable rate, and to go to work producing even more goods. ] (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 6/12/2023 10:11:39 AM
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The feared postwar economic depression never materialized due to various factors, including government intervention, economic stimulus measures, and global cooperation, which helped stabilize and revive economies after World War II.

Added 6/12/2023 10:11:39 AM
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school desegregation proceeded at different rates throughout the 1964 which states were the slowest to achieve desegregation?
Weegy: "The haste of a fool is the slowest thing in the world" [ ] (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 6/12/2023 10:13:52 AM
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By 1964, the states that were the slowest to achieve desegregation were primarily located in the southern region of the United States, including Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and South Carolina.

Added 6/12/2023 10:13:52 AM
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Explain the historical significance of the Felix Longoria incident?
Weegy: go to: (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 117 days ago|10/20/2024 12:40:10 AM
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The Felix Longoria incident is historically significant as it highlighted the racial discrimination faced by Mexican Americans in the United States, sparking activism and leading to greater awareness of civil rights issues within the Latino community during the 1940s.
Added 117 days ago|10/20/2024 12:40:09 AM
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by 1964 which states were the slowest to achieve desegregation?
Weegy: The southern states. (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 7/13/2023 7:06:39 AM
1 Answer/Comment
By 1964, the states that were the slowest to achieve desegregation were primarily located in the southern region of the United States, including Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and South Carolina.

Added 7/13/2023 7:06:39 AM
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