African American literature during the Harlem Renaissance challenged social norms by boldly asserting black identity, expressing the complexities of racial experiences, and advocating for social justice and equality through powerful narratives and innovative artistic forms.
Added 24 days ago|1/13/2025 7:36:55 PM
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The Great Migration significantly transformed urban centers in the northern United States by increasing the African American population, reshaping cultural dynamics, influencing labor markets, and contributing to the emergence of vibrant black communities and civil rights movements.
Added 24 days ago|1/13/2025 7:37:21 PM
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The September 11 attacks fundamentally reshaped U.S. domestic policy through increased security measures and surveillance, and transformed foreign policy by leading to military interventions in Afghanistan, the establishment of the War on Terror, and a shift towards preemptive war doctrine, significantly affecting global relations and the approach to counter-terrorism.
Added 24 days ago|1/13/2025 7:38:02 PM
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The primary goal of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was To explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory.
Added 24 days ago|1/13/2025 7:38:48 PM
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