Weegy: An estimated 300,000 a year die from obesity-related illness. (That's an average of 822 people per day.)
User: Associated health risks of obesity include:
A. Decreased triglycerides and arthritis
B. Gall stones and flu
C. Diabetes and lung cancer
D. Sleep apnea and diabetes
Weegy: My answer is C. Sleep apnea and diabetes.
User: __________ is twice as common in obese adults as in those who are at a healthy weight.
A. Sleep apnea
B. Breast cancer
C. Diabetes
D. High blood pressure
Weegy: There can be many answers to that question. High Blood Pressure, and Heart Disease are two conditions that are more common in Obese Adults than they are in average people.
User: Research has determined that there is health risk associated with how fat is distributed in the body. From a health standpoint, the most risky distribution of body fat is having more fat
A. in the buttocks.
B. above the waist.
C. in the hips and thighs.
D. in the abdominal area.
Weegy: A. in the abdominal area. According to its location, fat can be subcutaneous (under the skin) or visceral (around the organs). Visceral fat may interfere with the proper functioning of vital organs. [ There is a relationship between overall fat deposits and specific fat deposits. Fat around the middle-body section is associated with visceral fat. Abdominal fat is the most serious health risk. Satisfied? Please Click GOOD. Thanks. ]
User: Which of the following is an example of the lowest healthy percentage of essential body fat for a male?
A. A man with 15 percent essential body fat
B. A man with 10 percent essential body fat
C. A man with 8 percent essential body fat
D. A man with 4 percent essential body fat
Weegy: A. A man with 10 percent essential body fat.
User: Through our relationships with others, we fulfill our need for
A. intimacy.
B. autonomy.
C. independence.
D. actualization.
Weegy: B. intimacy
User: Why is good ...