Weegy: The best answer is the truth - be open about your weakness. [ However, make sure the answer is accompanied with what you do to mitigate your weakness, and also that this weakness is a byproduct of one of your strengths that give you your competitive advantage. ]
User: Match the terms below with their definitions.
(Points : 10)
Answer Potential Matches:
: Reading style 1 : A person's individual pace, preferences, and learning tendencies as a reader.
: Learning disabilities 2 : The preface, introduction, table of contents, and other preliminary material that comprises the beginning part of a book.
: SQ3R Reading System 3 : Skimming over text quickly, with little comprehension possible.
: Active reading 4 : Focused and engaged reading in which you interact with the material and consciously process it.
: Retention 5 : Traditional methodology for effective academic reading.
: Attention span 6 : The skill of remembering what you read for future reference, review, or reconsideration.
: Advance organizers 7 : A commonly used methodology for reading that includes "prepare, preview, predict, pick, and paraphrase".
: Speed reading 8 : The length of time one can remain focused on the task at hand, such as reading, writing, studying, or working productively.
: Frontmatter 9 : The sectional or chapter headings, subheadings, outlines, overviews, objectives, or summaries that break up and organize a book
: Five-Part Reading System 10 : A group of disorders (cognitive, psychological, or neurological) that interfere with reading, writing, speaking, or listening.
(More) 3
Here are the matches for the terms and their definitions:
1 : Reading style - A person's individual pace, preferences, and learning tendencies as a reader.
2 : Learning disabilities - A group of disorders (cognitive, psychological, or neurological) that interfere with reading, writing, speaking, or listening.
3 : SQ3R Reading System - A commonly used methodology for reading that includes "prepare, preview, predict, pick, and paraphrase".
4 : Active reading - Focused and engaged reading in which you interact with the material and consciously process it.
5 : Retention - The skill of remembering what you read for future reference, review, or reconsideration.
6 : Attention span - The length of time one can remain focused on the task at hand, such as reading, writing, studying, or working productively.
7 : Advance organizers - The preface, introduction, table of contents, and other preliminary material that comprises the beginning part of a book.
8 : Speed reading - Skimming over text quickly, with little comprehension possible.
9 : Frontmatter - The sectional or chapter headings, subheadings, outlines, overviews, objectives, or summaries that break up and organize a book.
10 : Five-Part Reading System - Traditional methodology for effective academic reading.
Added 8/16/2023 6:05:18 AM
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