Weegy: B. George has a bigger appetite than Harry.
User: Which of the following is an example of a declarative sentence?
A. Precisely when were you going to tell me that?
B. Job hunting is incredibly depressing right now!
C. Hand me that towel before I drop this wet bowl.
D. My favorite television show has been renewed.
User: In this sentence, what is the antecedent of the pronoun it?
A. Carla
B. work
C. her
D. house
Weegy: A pronoun is a word that can replace a noun in a sentence. For example, in the sentence Michelle took her dog for a walk , the word her? replaces the word Michelle s . The antecedent is the word to which the pronoun refers. [ When paired with an antecedent, the pronoun is called a referent. In the example above, Michelle? is the antecedent to her . According to the English grammar rules, the referent must agree with its antecedent in number.
Read more: Rules for Pronoun & Antecedent Agreement | eHow.com ]
User: What is the main purpose of brainstorming?
A. To quickly generate ideas and support for a piece of writing
B. To improve the errors in the first draft of a piece of writing
C. To target the audience and purpose of a piece of writing
D. To create a detailed outline for a piece of writing