Weegy: You need to learn about your audience and any logistical factors so that you can tailor your message accordingly. [ -is how you can determine if you are going to need to build a motivational presentation.
User: What is an important thing to do when assessing your speaking skills?
Weegy: An important thing to do when assessing your speaking skills: Ask yourself, what improvements could I work on to communicate more effectively?
User: If you are feeling very anxious about delivering a speech, the most effective response is to:
Weegy: If you are feeling very anxious about delivering a speech, the most effective response is to: Practice your presentation until you are comfortable with it.
User: Practicing and visualizing your presentation is a good way to control what?
Weegy: Practicing and visualizing your presentation is a good way to control Speech anxiety.
User: In-person events such as media briefings and public meetings can have what advantages?
Weegy: In-person events such as media briefings and public meetings can have the following advantages: Gives the chance to understand their body language, helps make focusing easier and helps develop trust and transparency easily. [
User: What is an advantage of using social media during emergency communication?