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Why would the government increase federal funding after the launch of Sputnik?
Asked 13 days ago|2/3/2025 6:52:33 AM
Updated 13 days ago|2/3/2025 7:18:37 AM
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User: Why would the government increase federal funding after the launch of Sputnik?

Sputnik is any of a series of 10 artificial Earth satellites whose launch by the Soviet Union beginning on Oct. 4, 1957, inaugurated the space age.

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User: Which of these is considered a benefit of a quality child care program

Asked 13 days ago|2/3/2025 6:52:33 AM
Updated 13 days ago|2/3/2025 7:18:37 AM
4 Answers/Comments
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Flagged by MsAnnabel [2/3/2025 7:11:25 AM]
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The child learns to get along with adults and children outside of the nuclear family, is considered a benefit of a quality childcare program.
Added 13 days ago|2/3/2025 7:10:48 AM
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Confirmed by oldwallet [2/3/2025 7:17:58 AM]
To increase technological advancements and education in the interest of national security: Is why the government increase federal funding after the launch of Sputnik.

Added 13 days ago|2/3/2025 7:11:23 AM
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Confirmed by oldwallet [2/3/2025 7:17:59 AM]
Following the launch of Sputnik, the Soviet Union's first satellite, the US government significantly increased federal funding, primarily due to a perceived "space race" threat during the Cold War, leading to a fear that the US was falling behind in technological advancements, particularly in military capabilities, and thus needed to rapidly accelerate research and development in science and engineering fields to catch up.
Added 13 days ago|2/3/2025 7:16:58 AM
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Flagged by oldwallet [2/3/2025 7:18:33 AM]
Why would the government increase federal funding after the launch of Sputnik? To increase technological advancements and education in the interest of national security. To ensure that more businesses were created in an effort to prevent a recession. To provide an influx of currency into a weakened economy. To begin the design of the first multinational corporations, to encourage foreign investments in the domestic defense systems.
Added 13 days ago|2/3/2025 7:18:37 AM
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The Norman Conquest of England took place in 1066.
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The title given to medieval European knights sworn to protect the land and its lord is Vassals.
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The primary motivation for the Age of Exploration was Economic gain.
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Confirmed by alfred123 [2/3/2025 5:26:47 AM]
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