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Gardner’s Theory
The way in which Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has been translated into policy and practice has been very varied. Howard Gardner did not, initially, spell out the implications of his theory for educators in any detail. [ Subsequently, he has looked more closely at what the theory might mean for schooling practice (e.g. in The Unschooled Mind, Intelligence Reframed, and The Disciplined Mind). From this work three particular aspects of Gardner's thinking need noting here as they allow for hope, and an alternative way of thinking, for those educators who feel out of step
with the current, dominant product orientation to curriculum and educational policy. ]
Expert answered|Fanboy|Points 190|
Asked 2/2/2012 12:02:13 AM
Updated 7/19/2023 11:04:23 AM
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Gardner's Theory refers to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences proposed by psychologist Howard Gardner. It suggests that there are multiple independent forms of intelligence beyond the traditional notion of a single, general intelligence. Gardner identified eight intelligences, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. This theory has influenced education by promoting individualized approaches to teaching and recognizing diverse talents. However, it has also faced criticism for lacking empirical evidence and clear definitions for each intelligence.

Added 7/19/2023 11:04:23 AM
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Weegy: The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 as a model of intelligence that differentiates intelligence into various specific (primarily sensory) modalities rather than seeing it as dominated by a single general [ ability. Gardner argues that there is a wide range of cognitive abilities, and that there are only very weak correlations among them. For example, the theory predicts that a child who learns to multiply easily is not necessarily generally more intelligent than a child who has more difficulty on this task. The child who takes more time to master simple multiplication 1) may best learn to multiply through a different approach, 2) may excel in a field outside of mathematics, or 3) may even be looking at and understanding the multiplication process at a fundamentally deeper level, or perhaps as an entirely different process. Such a fundamentally deeper understanding can result in what looks like slowness and can hide a mathematical intelligence potentially higher than that of a child who quickly memorizes the multiplication table despite a less detailed understanding of the process of multiplication. The theory has been met with mixed responses. Traditional intelligence tests and psychometrics have generally found high correlations between different tasks and aspects of intelligence, rather than the low correlations which Gardner's theory predicts. Nevertheless many educationalists support the practical value of the approaches suggested by the theory ] (More)
Expert Answered
Updated 7/19/2023 11:02:58 AM
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Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences challenges the traditional view of intelligence by proposing that there are various independent forms of intelligence. I believe it offers a more inclusive perspective on human abilities, acknowledging diverse talents beyond academic measures. While it has influenced education positively, some critics argue about the lack of empirical evidence and clear definitions for each intelligence.

Added 7/19/2023 11:02:58 AM
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