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comparison paragraph between matrix and truman?
This movie makes some good points about simulations in relation to perfection and the ideals associated with a utopian society. [ It was very coincidental that in both The Truman Show and The Matrix the characters of Truman and Neo both rejected their simulated lives. Truman rejects his world, one he had known all his life at the end of the film and leaves the studio in search of the real world. He uncharacteristically chooses the unknown instead of the familiar. Similarly, Neo, whose idea of the real world is actually a simulation, rejects the Matrix and his “real world.” Both Neo and
Truman choose to live in a much harsher world that is full of devastation, poverty and real issues. They abandon the cradle where they were living and branch out into uncharted territory. It is clear that Truman has no idea what awaits him as he stands at the exit of the studio pondering what to do. The world in which Neo chooses, Zion, is one where uncertainty and unpredictability are two very prominent themes. So the question remains, why would these two men reject perfection and utopia? Even if they were simulations, neither of them knew it at the time and up until they found out they were living good and acceptable lives. Here is what I think. Man as a species does not like being deceived, they do not like to be misled. To continue, the human race is a stubborn race to say the least. Going back and living like mindless zombies in these simulation worlds would be giving in to the higher power that was controlling them all along. They would much rather endure pain and suffering in a cruel world than to never have felt it at all living in a perfect world. ]
Asked 11/11/2011 7:05:12 PM
Updated 356 days ago|9/27/2023 1:58:19 PM
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"The Matrix" and "The Truman Show" are both science fiction films exploring the theme of simulated realities, but while "The Matrix" delves into a dystopian world controlled by machines, "The Truman Show" focuses on a man living unknowingly in a fabricated reality television show.

Added 356 days ago|9/27/2023 1:58:19 PM
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