As people are more often using cell phones, text messaging, and e-mail, what is the role of formal writing?
when using text messages and email communications I do not always use formal communication or writing, more like common text messaging lingo if you will. [ For instance, when using these types of communication, we tend to use basic lingo or slang; we do not use proper English or grammar. So there for these types of communication limit our ability to perform formal writing in terms of team work and so forth, in both the academic and professional environments.
I have done a tad bit of research on text and email communication and how it affects individual's formal writing. In my initial
findings I have found that by using email and text messaging communication we are limiting our ability to perform proper writing.
A professor at the University of Georgia has conducted research on this particular matter. She wrote an article about effects of communicative technologies. This article is focused on High School Students. However, I still believe it is relevant to what we are discussing here. Please see the following quote, on the abstract of this professor's article.In today's age of cell phones, text messages, and emails, formal writing is used less and less. However, when we are writing formal letters of importance we do not have the options of delivering them by email or text messaging. Due to the facts that in most cases it is not appropriate or is not allowed to be delivered through digital communication methods and so forth. The Louisiana State University defines formal writing as the following:
"Formal writing has a logical pattern that stays on track without digressing. Writers revise their message carefully so that sentences read smoothly. Individual sentences are well structured, and the sentences flow together. Each word counts, and, instead relying on casual transitions like "well …," the writer finds transitional expressions that indicate the underlying logic of the message. Writers also adhere to the conventions of standard grammar."
The use of digital communication through emails and text messaging is fast and easy for many people. ]
Expert answered|
selymi|Points 6773|
Asked 11/20/2011 11:40:00 AM
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