Weegy: The No-Fault Law, requires all owner/registrants of a motor vehicle with four wheels or more to carry a minimum of $10,000 of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and $10,000 of Property Damage Liability (PDL) if you own a motor vehicle in Florida. [
User: if you hang out with people who use drugs or alcohol, you probably will too.
Weegy: If you hang out with people who use drugs or alcohol you probably will too. TRUE.
User: hydroplaning may occur when
Weegy: Hydroplaning may occur on any wet road surface.
User: which of the following is an example of a dangerous passing situation
Weegy: Example of a dangerous passing situation are: When an oncoming car is close and you have a long line of traffic ahead of you and When you can't see clearly ahead and the maneuver may not be completed in [ time.
User: alcohol-related collision cost the American public about 114 dollar per year
Weegy: Alcohol-related collisions cost the American public about 114 Billion dollars per year.
User: traffic collision are the number one killer of children in america
Weegy: Traffic collisions are the number one killer of children in America.
User: bad weather means you will have
Weegy: Bad weather means you will have an increased stopping distance.
User: the third alcohol affect is
Weegy: The third thing alcohol affects is: VISION.
User: if you are upset or stressed, a good relaxation technique is to
Weegy: If you are upset or stressed a good relaxation technique is to: take in deep slow breaths.
User: warning signs are normally
Weegy: Warning signs are usually diamond-shaped.
User: warning signs are normally what color
Weegy: Warning signs are usually color red.
User: alcohol contains
Weegy: Alcohol contains methanol.
User: alcohol contains
Weegy: Alcohol contains methanol.
User: you can maintain a proper following distance by using the three second rule