Weegy: Sharps
F# C# G# D# E# A# B#
Remember this saying: Fat Cows Go Dead After Eating Bunnies.
Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb
Remember this saying
Big Elephants Are Dumb Grass Chewing Fatheads.
It may sound silly - but, [ [ you will NEVER forget the order of sharps and flats.
As to why they are in these particular orders: Thank Rameau, the councilor and chief educator of Louis XIV - AKA the "Sun King."
Now, everything on earth revolves around the sun. So, Louis XVI wanted things explained in such a way as revolving around him.
Starting with the key of C Major - no sharps and flats, go up a perfect 5th (P5) and play a major scale starting on a G (P5 above C). Following the formula for major scales you will find that the scale contains only one sharp - F#.
Go down a P5 and your scale will start on the note F. Following the same formula for the major scale starting on F, you will find that the only flat is a Bb.
Now, if you follow the almighty Circle of 5ths - Ascending, you will find that you will add sharps in the following order: F# C# G# D# E# A# B#
Following the Circle of 5th -, Descending, you will find that you will add flats in the following order Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb.
All because of the arrogance of a dead, former emperor of France. ] ]
User: what is the multiplicative inverse of 1/4? A) 4 B) -1/4 C) -4