Weegy: Elimination is NOT part of the process of producing urine in the nephron.
User: Which of the following is part of the peripheral nervous system
Weegy: Nerves is part of the peripheral nervous system.
User: The urethra is blank in females than in males
Weegy: The urethra is significantly Shorter in females than in males.
User: Which of the following are microscopic structures in the kidneys that produce urine
Weegy: Nephrons are microscopic structures in the kidneys that produce urine.
User: Which of the following is a function of the urinary system
Weegy: Rids of the body of wastes. -is a function of the urinary system.
User: The sensory organs are responsible for which of the following
Weegy: The sensory organs are responsible for: smelling and balancing.
User: Cells that support and nourish nervous tissue are called blank
Weegy: Cells that support and nourish nervous tissue are called GLIA.
User: Cranial and spinal nerves are part of the blank system
Weegy: Cranial nerves emanate from the brain stem. Spinal nerves are rooted in the spinal cord.
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves in the human body; 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 sacral, 5 lumbar and 1 coccygeal. [ ]
User: Ions that regulate metabolic processes are called blank
Weegy: Ions that regulate metabolic pressure are called: electrolytes.
User: This part of the brain is divided into the cerebral hemisphere
Weegy: This part of the brain is divided into the cerebral hemispheres- cerebrum.
User: Up to blank percent of urine is water